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Results & Image Distribution

Improve Relationships with Your Referring Physicians

QuickBox is a user-friendly application that shares results and images with the referring physician. This application can complement other delivery methods but without the costs and hassles associated with multiple portal logins, or interface, transmission or courier fees. Plus, the share is both automated and immediate, enacted as soon as the results are finalized.

Abbadox Quickbox Monitor

Instantly Share Results with Ordering Physicians

QuickBox enables imaging centers to automatically drop final results and images onto the ordering physician’s computer desktop. 


Share Images

Barcode and traditional DICOM image links can be embedded in the report for easy reference. View series images, current studies and priors in one place.



Receive an alert when a report is completed and ready to be read.


Universal Image Viewer

Seamlessly integrated with Client Outlook’s zero-footprint diagnostic viewer but can also integrate with your existing image viewer.


Share Results Instantly

Send high-quality reports, regardless of time or location, customized with your color logo and branded format in PDF. 


Send and Access Results Securely


Avoid Integration Fees


Deliver to Multiple Recipients


View DICOM Images


Includes Links & Images


Reduce Printing Costs


Receive Real-time Notifications


Save Results to Patient Record

Improve Communication and Coordination

QuickBox connects seamlessly with other AbbaDox applications, saving time and effort by automatically linking to the referring physician.



A centralized system that accommodates scheduling for multiple locations, streamlines workflows and more.


Referring Physician Portal

Provide physicians with instant access to final results, historical records and DICOM images.

Learn how our solutions can integrate into your existing systems, allowing you to streamline workflows, grow your business and improve patient experience.